5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn blogs briefly on various free speech matters

I written about this before: Mark Steyn and I agree that right-thinking people can’t rely on the internet as our primary tool, as long as it is mostly owned and operated by wrong thinking people.

We have more than enough think tanks. Will the next conservative millionaire please endow a free-speech friendly web host?

Anyway, Steyn writes today:

President Obama has never said a word about honor killings of Muslim women.

Secretary Clinton has never said a word about female genital mutilation.

General Petraeus has never said a word about the rampant buggery of pre-pubescent boys by Pushtun men in Kandahar.

But let an obscure man in Florida so much as raise the possibility that he might disrespect a book – an inanimate object – and the most powerful figures in the western world feel they have to weigh in. (…)

The logic of Breyer’s halfwit intervention is to incentivize violence, and undermine law itself. What he seems to be telling the world is that Americans’ constitutional rights will bend to intimidation.

If Koran-burning rates a First Amendment exemption because Muslims are willing to kill over it, maybe Catholics should threaten to kill over the next gay-Jesus play, and Broadway could have its First Amendment rights reined in.

As Kate McMillan likes to say: “‘Not showing up to riot’ is a failed conservative policy.”

And as I like to say: “The Vatican doesn’t issue fatwas.”

Look at Canadian Indians or whatever they’re called this week. One dead guy in Oka, a few imaginary smallpox blankets, and they get to take over whole towns at gunpoint.

And then we have Quebeckers: blow up a few mailboxes, kidnap one guy and kill one other, and you get French on every cereal box, and billions in ransom money transfer payments until the end of time.

Sure, Trudeau declared martial law for a week. So what? Now a bunch of hippies who’d otherwise have struggled to get laid can tell potential boinks, that hey, they got “rounded up” too and never go home alone again for the rest of their lives.

In the days following 9/11, liberals (left and right) feared, not another attack by Muslims, but attacks on Muslims.

When those attacks stubbornly failed to materialize, disappointed liberals then cleverly used that distinct shortage of attacks to gloat about how “tolerant” and (you guessed it) “liberal” America is.

What liberals are really doing isn’t praising you or the America they not-so-secretly loathed the other 364 days of 2001.

They’re congratulating themselves for bravely keeping us crazed rednecks in line.

That’s the “unity right after 9/11” that Glenn Beck wrongheadedly praises with his 9-12 Project. It’s what his new hero MLK would have called a “negative peace.” I guess Beck hasn’t gotten that far in his reading yet.
