5 Feet of Fury

‘Let’s double down. My name is Peter Ingemi’

Finally: real man located:

My ancestors came here from Sicily 100 years ago.

I am an American and I defy you…

If you come for one of us you come for ALL OF US!

You want to kill me? So what! Everybody dies, but I’m not surrendering my 1st Amendment rights that have been given to me as a gift by thousands who fought to preserve them for an extra few days.

He almost helps cancel out this ****. Almost.

Pot is the abortion of libertarians. You libertarians who want to legalize pot: just look at that useless eater. I’m not convinced he even has a penis. If he does, there are teeny tiny bugs crawling on it.

That guy is the future of the West if you get your way.

How you reconcile that with The ****ing Fountainhead is beyond me.


That’s funny, actually, because your religion is insulting to my disco!

Note that Muslims in the West are getting worse, not better:

La Meca (Spanish for Mecca), was the most popular disco in the coastal city of Aguila, in Murcia, southeastern Spain, in the 1980s and 90s before it closed down a decade ago.

It re-opened on June 18 with the same name, sparking the current controversy.

Spain has 1.5 million Muslims, making up just under three per cent of the population.

Interestingly, the Muslim population of Toronto is around 5%! Cool, huh?