5 Feet of Fury

TIME magazine says my husband committed ‘a gratuitiously provocative act’!

Arnie took it upon himself to run an “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” contest on his blog this year, you see.

Hilariously (and/or pathetically), TIME‘s list of “Top 10 Gratuitiously Provocative Acts” (along with being lame and/or making you go “Huh? Never heard o’ that one“) includes, not just “Everybody Draw Mohammed” Day, but the general antics of the Sea Shepherd guys.

And sadly/amusingly, I slept with a Sea Shepherd guy (not pictured [too bad, cuz he was VERY cute. I think.]) on an EXTREMELY drunk New Year’s Eve about, like, 25 years ago.

You’ll be as relieved as I am to note that my sexual history’s connection to TIME‘s (unimpressive) Top 10 ends there — and that despite the amazing added coincidence that both feature vomit.


I’m forced to presume that nobody older than 25 works at TIME anymore, because none of these events were included on the list.

They work at a national newsmagazine and I don’t though.