5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant’s new book: ‘Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada’s Oil Sands’

He blogs:

It’s a change of pace from Shakedown , and I appreciate the support you’ve shown for that book.

I hope you like Ethical Oil , and I hope it helps bring the current debate about Canada’s greatest resource up a few notches in seriousness. I know Greenpeace doesn’t want to have a serious debate about real alternatives to the oilsands — it’s easier for them to do media stunts in Calgary than in Riyadh or Teheran.

But I think the rest of us could profit from a grown-up discussion about the ethics of oil. And I hope it’s a fun read, too!

He’s also posted info about book signings. I can’t make it to tomorrow’s in Toronto, alas, but have fun.