5 Feet of Fury

Next time a leftist rolls their eyes and spits out the words ‘Wal-Mart’…

ask them if they’ve been to one lately, if ever.

Nick Gillespie on Glenn Beck’s rally, one week later:

The crowd reminded me of Wal-Mart (not being snarky!)

I live part-time in small-town Ohio where the local Wal-Mart Super Center is a major third space.

Over the past few years and contrary to its image as wholesome, the chain has gone seirously goth. Check out the T-shirts you can buy there and virtually every other one has skulls and crosses on it. And if something doesn’t have stylized chains and blood on it, then it’s in Day-Glo colors.

The crowd reflected that, with more piercings than I’ve seen at some rock shows, ZZ Top beards galore, a biker look on many men and women.

A noticeable number of the crowd were even wearing inexpensive Faded Glory (Wal-Mart’s housebrand) American flag T-shirts.

Any number of commentators may have been appalled by the crowd, but check it and see:

This is America.

Actually, Nick, they were appalled because it is America. No “but” about it.