5 Feet of Fury

From our ‘Aw, come on! My Muslim co-workers even play hockey!!’ files

Between checking out all the fascinating visitors he gets to his website — yes, we can see you back!my husband writes:

This appears to be Mibahuddin Ahmed’s e-mail address, misbahahmed@yahoo.com.

I found it here. in the Ottawa Muslims Athletics yahoo site.

Shujaat Wasty of the RS Federation was recruiting a team for tournament this past April:

“I’m interested insha-Allah

“let’s get a solid Muslim team together…”


I’m pretty sure American-born Communists in New York played baseball together, too.

PLUS: the Muslim who went after Ezra Levant says basically, Give us money and we won’t kill you.

PS: Amazingly related:

Bolt action or lever? Discuss.

(Yes, that’s a Canadian website btw.)

As I said in the comments, working a bolt action made me feel too much like Lee Harvey Oswald.

My baby is better suited to my, er, purposes anyway…