5 Feet of Fury

Non-violent pro-lifer has spent almost as much time in jail as a Canadian serial killer

Karla’s now walking around free.

And all those G20 protesters? Well, they’re “cool” people, you see?

Linda Gibbons? Please…

Gibbons has spent most of the last two decades protesting against abortion and for her efforts has been locked up for eight out of the last 16 years.

Her crime? Breaking a temporary injunction issued in 1994 prohibiting abortion protests outside the doors of Toronto’s Scott Clinic.

In essence Gibbons has spent more time behind bars than some murderers for getting too close to a private abortion clinic while walking on a public sidewalk.

It has shades of the changes brought in by Ontario’s Dalton McGuinty government that told police they could arrest anyone that got too close to the G20 summit.

But unlike anti-globalization protesters, university activists and union leaders with a cause — defending the rights of Linda Gibbons is not fashionable.

And since Canada’s Charter doesn’t recognize the importance of private property anyhow, I wonder how she could have violated any law…