5 Feet of Fury

Putting the ‘I’ in ‘Islam’: Montreal Muslims send out ‘don’t snitch’ email

BCF posts an email forwarded to him by a reader:

Salam Alaikum,

Ater speaking to representatives of 2 of the accused in the case they have given this instruction.

1.Do not speak to the media. Refer them to the lawyers of the defendants
2.Do not talk about the case or the defendants in detail even in private. It is more than likely that some people are under surveillance and anything could be used against the defendants. This is of CRITICAL importance. Do not send emails, post on facebook, twitter etc… about the defendants.
3.If at any point our support is needed we will be informed but for now we must sit tight.
4.Make Du’a
5.There will be some letters circulated asking to ensure the case is fair and transparent – you can act up on these letters.

This is of the utmost importance please try to respect these rules.


No one at MontrealMuslims.ca thought to add, “Report any suspicious behavior to the proper authorities” or “Remember: the safety and security of all Canadians must be our top priority.”

Nope. It’s all about group think and conformity and keeping your mouth shut.

It’s like something out of The Sopranos.

Who the hell gets emails from people telling them how to think and act?