5 Feet of Fury

Yeah, weird huh?

A Canuck HotAir commenter on the Canadian Idol jihadi…

I remember seeing the show when he first auditioned.

And what I muttered under my breath turned out to be correct…

Funny how that happens.

Some of us “mutter under our breath” because they want to be spared the fate of those like me who refuse to “mutter” and are thus singled out for castigation by our betters.

The thing is:

* Those “betters” are fewer in number and less powerful than you think. Their power is shrinking every moment of every day.

* Being “singled out for castigation” feels weird for about a minute and a half, but ultimately makes no actual difference to your quality of life — and in some cases, enhances it

* We almost always turn out to be right

The only thing we’re doing wrong is the muttering part.