5 Feet of Fury

‘Many great Canadians of past intolerant — or downright racist’

Oddly enough!

“As the war museum controversy some years back should have demonstrated, history is not a series of pleasant bedtime stories, pre-sanitized so that only the worthy appear in order to make our hearts thump with a patriotic pit-a-pat.”

“That applies to history,” Bothwell observed. “The good, the bad and the ugly should all be present and should allow the reader to make up his or her own mind.

As the indispensable Jeremy Swanson points out in his email newsletter True Blue today (contact him here to subscribe free), one name — that of the (ooops!) “Greatest Canadian” — was mysteriously left out of the roster of Very Bad People in that article.

Funny how all that “due diligence” rarely includes naming famous leftist heroes with dubious ideas…