5 Feet of Fury

If only Scorsese would make a movie about that Italian American Civil Rights League…

Sailer explains why Mexicans aren’t the “new Italians” after all:

For one thing, Italians save. They don’t have a fiesta culture. The subprime wipeout happened largely in heavily Hispanic regions, not in Italian ones. (…)

Why not? Italians tend to be family-oriented rather than group-oriented, not very ethnocentric, not obsessed with the past, not all that resentful about country club membership invitations, not all that political, and not very ideological.

In short, Italian-Americans tend not to get worked up en masse over the same things that get Jewish-Americans worked up. 

But they have been known, like the Irish, to refer to themselves/each other as “white n*****s”, which I doubt any Jewish person has ever done — despite the whole slavery thing.

PLUS — isn’t this adorable?

Politico turned to Univision’s  blue-eyed boy, Jorge Ramos, the Ron Burgundy of Spanish-language newscasting in America, for an unbiased take (…)

 “the blue-eyed Univision anchorman Jorge Ramos pretending to be the standard-bearer of the Indians that his ancestors enslaved—and over whom he still rules like C-3PO in the land of the Ewoks.” But irony appears to be beyond them.) (…)

Tellingly, Ramos himself wasn’t eligible to vote in America for the first 22 years he anchored Univision’s broadcast because he didn’t bother to become a citizen until 2008.