5 Feet of Fury

When you help Ezra Levant, you help me and other bloggers fight government censorship

It’s been a while since I’ve had anything to report about The Guy Who Is Suing Us.

There’s been a major development in our case, and it is VERY positive.

We seem to have reached what Churchill called “the end of the beginning.”

Since he’s a lawyer, I’ll let my co-defendant Ezra Levant explain the wonky details.

The bottom line is: we need to pay for another forensic computer expert.

I know this is the worst possible time to ask for additional help — you guys have already paid every cent of my legal bills!

But Ezra asks that those who can to please donate to a “trust fund” via his lawyer (and mine), Christopher Ashby.

You can read about the mostly good news for our side, and find out why we need that forensic expert, by reading Ezra’s new post on the matter.

Thanks again, and in advance, for your astonishing generosity, moral support and patience, everyone.

You are part of the fight against government censorship!