5 Feet of Fury

Michael Coren dishes dirt on Heather Mallick (the town bike of Toronto columnists)

I knew the Star was all for “recycling,” but her new twice-weekly gig there is… ugh.

How many different outlets are going to carry this woman’s byline? Did someone lose a bar bet?

Anyway, Coren reports:

This is not a woman whose career has exactly blossomed and her anger and bitterness were obvious when all this happened, as was her evident jealousy of Sarah Palin’s physical attractiveness. Forgive me but nobody was ever going to accuse Ms. Mallick of being, well, glamorous. Her defence of her childish antics was, yes, freedom of speech.

Yet a couple of years ago I was approached by the editor of a newspaper called The Women’s Post and asked if I would write a column for her, providing what the then publisher and now Toronto mayoral candidate Sarah Thomson called “a conservative voice.” She explained that she already had plenty of liberal writers but wanted some balance.

One of those left-wing writers employed by The Women’s Post was Heather Mallick. When she heard about me being offered a column she apparently became extraordinarily angry and threatened to resign.

The good people at The Women’s Post – Sarah Thompson is a genuine and not pretend supporter of free speech – called the enraged journalist’s bluff and it was goodbye to our control freak comrade.

So when Mallick’s defenders cry about unfettered expression and the right to offend they ought to know of whom they speak.