5 Feet of Fury

Genius: Let’s start calling it ‘the Obama Mosque’

Kevin McCullough writes:

Question, Mr. President, “Do you feel that all Muslims have a right to exercise their religion?”

How about the nearly 2 million of them world-wide that buy into the exact same brand of Islam that the killers of 9/11 practiced? Do you feel that they have the right to practice that brand of Islam in the United States? How about on the sacred ground of Ground Zero?

Even the “moderate” practitioners of that faith seem to be having some real trouble coming to clarity on not encouraging their fellow Islamists to be so very insensitive.

To date all of two prominent moderate Muslims have had the courage, and endured the death threats, to suggest the Mosque be built somewhere else.


The truth is the Obama Mosque in New York City is in large measure being favored and given preferential treatment to other communities of faith. How else can you explain why a small Greek Orthodox church congregation in the same neighborhood–which existed prior to 9.11–still doesn’t have clearance or permission to reestablish it’s presence in lower Manhattan? 

Despite the whole First Amendment thing, the Mormons were told they couldn’t have their own damn STATE until they cut out one of the tenets of their religion.

But these ****s get to build The Mosque de Triomphe?

I told you about this guy last week:


Defending workers from unions.

UPDATE — Robert Spencer writes verrrrryyyyy slllloooowwwwlllly for the last remaining morons:

I am writing this because of an offhand remark that Smith and Haberman make: “…what is now nationally known as the ‘Ground Zero mosque’ – it is actually a few blocks north of the site…”

(…) the Burlington Coat Factory building is in a larger sense part of Ground Zero. The landing gear from one of the jetliners hijacked on September 11, 2001 flew into the building that the Islamic supremacists want to tear down to construct their mosque.

That makes this building part of the 9/11 attack site, and will make the mosque — in the eyes of the Islamic world — exactly what the Dome of the Rock is: a mosque of victory built right on the site of the Muslim defeat of the Infidels.