5 Feet of Fury

Dear gay activists: this is why people don’t like you. You’re welcome.

Because you remind them of the “mosque at Ground Zero” guy.

Read on:

The ‘gay issue’, such as it exists in US politics, is now just another tribal dividing line for the urbane elites: it distinguishes us from them; it is a way for aloof liberals to scorn ordinary people.

People do not change their minds by being told they are backward and ignorant.

With such a snobby dynamic at play, it is hard to see how the judicial defeat of Prop 8 will do very much for gay rights.


More about that “F*ck Tea” project, the latest effort by folks who sincerely believe they are smarter, more compassionate, more mature and more enlightened than we are…

Let’s review:

    * They’re “promoting the progressive cause” with a campaign that can’t be named in public.

    * You can’t say the name out loud unless you want people averting their eyes and declining to associate with you.

    * Broadcast media will talk around it, if they admit it’s there at all.

    * Politicians will agree with you in secret, but will publicly pretend that you don’t exist.

It’s just like the “progressive” political agenda!


“What a world! What a world…”