5 Feet of Fury

Canadian Muslim of the Day: Omar Khadr threatens guards with ‘Allah’s revenge’

Ezra Levant writes:

And what would Allah do to the guards, in vengeance for weighing him, as any prisoner in Canada is weighed? He will “torture you,” said Khadr, presumably meaning something more than just being weighed.

My, my. Invoking God and violence — sounds like a jihadi to me. But don’t let facts like that interfere with the liberal fiction of Khadr being a naive kid, just running with the wrong crowd, an innocent lamb.

As Mark Steyn reported after his visit to Gitmo, the average prisoner there gains 18lbs.

Leave it to those “stupid Americans” to build the only concentration camp in history — from Andersonville to Auschwitz — where the imates get fat!