5 Feet of Fury

Frank Dimant, spokesman for ‘the Jewish world,’ thinks Mormons are Amish

Canada’s Official Jews, always so dead on with their choice of targets, are now going after friend of Israel Barbara Kay for daring to call parasitical ultra Orthodox Jews, well, “parasites.”

Frank Dimant of B’nai Brith plays rabbi at the beginning of his sermon, starting off with a little joke. (Very little…)

Alas, given his description of the male character in said joke, Dimant seems to think that the Amish are Mormons, and worse, that the Amish travel in airplanes.

Oh hell, those damn Christians are all alike!

Don’t quit your day job, Frank. (Actually, some people wish you would, but that’s another story.)

(Try the veal. He’ll be here all week. And the week after, and the week after…)

Thank God the media has religion experts like Frank listed in their Rolodexes. Otherwise, who knows what kinds of crazy stuff might end up in the papers?