5 Feet of Fury

‘I very seriously doubt I would have gotten my current job if I apply for it today…’

Welcome to my world!

IconicPhotos guy writes:

Three-quarters of companies now do facebook checks on applicants. Once, life was not solely about accomplishments but also about potentials. Today, it is about indiscretions and what you do outside of 9-to-5. In a world where globalization has opened up new markets, careers and opportunities, we have ironically become a society that never let our pasts go.

Sorry if this post comes off as a rant, but I worry that, if this virtual scarlet letter trend continues, the next generation’s leaders will be today’s blandest, most boring people.

Related — a former blogger writes:

It’s not about being thin-skinned or scared or wimpy, it’s about a future employer or my mother-in-law Googling me and finding things that are completely untrue, but having no way of knowing so without asking me, by which time the bad impression is already made.

Fuck that.