5 Feet of Fury

‘The Racism Monster Eats Its Young’

Exactly. Mostly.

The bad thing about this otherwise thoughtful article comes at the very, very end:

Will Offensicht is a staff writer for Scragged.com and an internationally published author by a different name.

Sorry, “Will,” but until you are willing to publish the exact same article under your real name, you too are, as our enemies smuggly like to put it, “part of the problem.”

And yes, I will say it again:

If Andrew Breitbart “only had two minutes of the video”, he shouldn’t have posted it, no matter how tempting. He should only have posted the entire thing or nothing at all.

And his spin — that he was merely exposing the audience reaction and not personally criticizing Sherrod — is silly because:

a) what the hell else were the audience reacting to if NOT Sherrod’s own words; and

b) the audience reaction wasn’t all that, anyhow.

The Right doesn’t need its own Michael Moore or Oliver Stone.

UPDATE: to clarify…

What I am saying is that you are certainly free to remain anonymous.

HOWEVER, for as long as you decide to do so, you help postpone the day when you and others will no longer have to do so.

The only way to force more than incremental change is to come out of the closet.

If you don’t, then don’t be surprised when you and your friends find yourselves still muttering next year and the year after that and the decade after that, “Boo hoo, life still sucks! When will it change?” and keep thinking Conservative Santa Claus will fly down to rescue you and prevent you from having to risk your lives, your fortunes and your sacred honor.

Your choice is: immediate, shattering but probably brief pain followed by what you’ve always wanted — victory — or the continued low grade chronic aches you are currently experiencing and mumbling about with your friends like a gaggle of old ladies sitting in lobby by the mail boxes.

Just saying. This isn’t my opinion. It is simply a fact of life. This is how the cosmos operates. I don’t make the rules.