5 Feet of Fury

An ‘appalling, mammoth clusterfark’

Afternoon UPDATE:

The trouble with Coulter’s theory is that if Breitbart was set up, that hasn’t been his public explanation. He’s said almost everything but that.

recommends Mary Katherine Ham’s take on Sherrod/Breitbart. I agree.

Except for this:

Racism is among the worst things one can be accused of in American society…

THAT’S the REAL problem that needs to be fixed.

Race matters, whether we like it or not. That’s human nature. People aren’t “all the same” (I thought we were supposed to celebrate that, but as you all know, I can never keep this shit straight…) and we have to be able to talk about our differences.

She adds:

and one should require solid proof before levying it…

Again, no:

We don’t need “solid proof” of something that shouldn’t be a “crime.” “Racism” is a thought crime.

As such, we need to take this fake “crime” off the “books”.


We have to destroy these entrenched, bloated bureaucracies, period.

I don’t just mean government agencies like the ones Sherrod has worked for. I mean the NAACP and their ilk, too.

Their very nature causes these problems while pretending to fix them. If they solved them, they’d be out of their “phony baloney jobs.”

Do you NOT get that by now?

Just firing someone here and there, out of the blue (especially based on flimsy evidence of some ancient thought crime, and a false rumor that — gasp — the story was about to be aired on the Glenn Beck Show!!!! — which it wasn’t and in the end he defended her — jeezuz people…) isn’t the point.

ALL bureaucrats should all be fired and ALL these agencies shut down. 

So what do we have here, in this particular instance?

We have a tape of a woman who — as a far-left, job-for-life, petty bureaucrat — represents everything I hate. (She especially comes off as a multi-level doofus here.)

(If it turns out there are, say, 20 bodies buried in her crawlspace a la John Wayne Gacy, fine, but that hasn’t happened yet and frankly, the subsequent “gotchas” aren’t “getting” me. Wow, all these powerful lefties know each other! Maybe because I live in a much smaller country, I thought we were all aware of that…)

In the (obviously edited) video, she tells a story from the Reagan era, about not wanting to help an apparently annoying white farmer because he was white. And then helping him anyhow.

Oh, and she called whites “his own kind,” too.

So she had a “bad” thought and said something snotty about white people then told the story a quarter of a century later at an NAACP meeting!

Holy ****, people, what do you think they did at these conventions? Suck back helium then chant “I have a dream” til they passed out? Fingerpaint rainbows?

Are you pretending to be shocked, or are you truly shocked? Both are annoying. Stop it.

The white farmer was initially iffy about Sherrod because she was black. She didn’t like him because he was white. After a while, they got over it. He’s been on the radio telling people to leave her alone.

No, I don’t know how she dealt with other people over all these years because, incredibly, I don’t possess those particular potent superpowers. Sorry.

What I do know is that whether they are “hicks” like the farmer or “educated” like Sherrod, many (not all) people react, sometimes irrationally, often viscerally, to the fact of race.

For reasons that may be evolutionary and partly based upon experience (Sherrod’s dad was killed by a white guy), that is simply a fact.

Firing and smearing people because they dare to bring up this fact is what is TRULY sick, infuriating and ultimately destructive to the social fabric.

And as we can see, again and again and again, these weapons are, as Hamm says, more powerful than we are and will, more often than not, eventually be turned on those who thought they controlled them.

Which, yes, makes me go “ha ha” but in my lesser moments, but also reminds me that the whole “racism” business is a sham and a scam and is out of control and MUST be destroyed.

If shabby stories like this one ultimately burst the “racism” bubble, then they’ll have served their purpose.

But I’m not convinced that will happen right away because people still don’t want to talk about the core problem: the continued existence of the “Racism” Bureaucratic Complex.

PS: conservatives have to rethink their talking points on this matter.

Some are outraged that Sherrod considered “not helping” the white guy (even though she did.) These same people probably own t-shirts with that Ronald Reagan saying, “The most frightening words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.'”)

I thought we weren’t supposed to believe in meddling bloated government bureaucracy, especially in the realm of agriculture.

And maybe the white guy’s farm deserved to go down the tubes.

You can’t be mad about a woman considering not doing a job you don’t think should even exist.

Again, revisit your core premises.