5 Feet of Fury

‘My friends and I have even coined the phrase: ‘My Mohammed is different”

Funny, that’s how pretty much everybody in the West feels about “the nice Muslim they work with”, isn’t it?

Also? Women are stupid and people travel too much.

Amazingly related:

While it is true that in a recent survey two-thirds of Britons say that their country has an immigration problem; there’s a joke going around that the other one-third of respondents could not answer the survey because they spoke no English. (…)

Before any reader tries to put forward the argument that these complaints against Muslims sound very much like anti-Semitic chatter from the 1930s, let me point out that 99.99% of all anti-Jewish complaints circulating Europe in the last century were fabrications and lies. The complaints against Muslims in the present day are all true. The problem with Jews was not that they stayed in their own enclaves and refused to assimilate but that Jews excelled and assimilated too well in their host countries. The majority of scientists, doctors, financiers in Europe in the last century were Jews. Germany lost its preeminence in science when it got rid of its Jews.

The evil motivating anti-Jewish hatred was simple envy. Certainly no one in the world envies Muslims. If Europeans and Britons are anti-immigrant and xenophobic then it is the fault of Muslims who made them so.

The one point (and it is weighted more heavily than a mere 0.01%) those “anti-Jewish complaints” actually did get right was that radical leftwing movements were heavily supported by Jews.

And this is the one thing many Jews still won’t admit — or else won’t repudiate.