5 Feet of Fury

But if Africans are so ‘competent’, why are they still screwed up?

Nathalie Rothchild looks back at LiveAid 25 years on.

I agree that it was a stupid waste of time — but for very different reasons.

One paragraph, however, encapsulates what I’ve been trying to say on a different topic lately:

there was never any real conflict between the political elite and the humanitarians and ‘radical protesters’ demonstrating outside the G8 summit.


In fact, these campaigns were a godsend for political leaders struggling to connect with voters. Rubbing shoulders with rock stars, caring about poor people, and promising big changes for Africa became regarded as a sure-fire way to get some street-cred and win favour with the public.

We are forever told that “violent demonstrations don’t accomplish anything” — but of course they do. If they didn’t, no one would do them.

That’s the “mysterious” reason “non-violent protestors” don’t denounce the violent ones in their midst.

When I took part in the first G8 Summit protests decades ago, we were yelling about “the environment” and “human rights”.

Sure enough, G20 leaders today dutifully meet to discuss… “the environment” and “human rights.”

We got what we wanted.

Anyhow: get with the program, y’all.

Old and tired? Africa was screwed up because we went over there and stole all their resources.

New hotness? Africa is screwed up because we went over there and showered them with millions of dollars.

Got it?