5 Feet of Fury

Why I switched from TweetDeck to MarketMeTweet


I was a big fan of TweetDeck but after using MarketMeTweet for a week now, I’m very happy with the switch, and don’t miss TweetDeck one bit.

It’s not just that TweetDeck’s been experiencing lots of “issues” lately, either.

The MarketMeTweet interface is VERY similar to that of TweetDeck, so I picked it up right away.

BUT the big selling point for me is this —

MarketMeTweet has a bunch of special features that TweetDeck just doesn’t have:


The main reason I love MarketMeTweet is its ability to “brand” my tweets.

What does that mean?

It means that if you look at any tweet, you’ll see a “via” phrase at the very end of the message. It tells followers you sent your tweet “via Tweetdeck” or “via” your iPhone.

Note that that “via” phrase is a hyperlink; click on it and sure enough, you’ll be taken over to Tweetdeck or Twitter.com or HootSuite or whathaveyou.

What MarketMeTweet lets you do is “own” this hyperlink.

In a few easy steps, you set it up so that that “via” reads, for instance, “Via Kathy Shaidle”. Now when you click on that line, you’re taken to my blog.

This not only helps drive traffic to my blog, it increases the “Google juice” for the phrase “Kathy Shaidle”, making it just that much more likely that you’re seeing what I want you to see on Google’s page one search results for my name.

(Think about it. If you’re on the web, you’ve made enemies. Do you want their nasty posts about you showing up on page one? Every “trick” you can use to push those nasty posts to page two  — where only 10% of Google users ever bother to venture — is worth it..)

Now imagine using this MarketMeTweet “branding” feature to link to:

No other Twitter app lets you own this precious little piece of Twitter “real estate.”

Only MarketMeTweet.

I’ve used it for clients, not just for myself, and they’ve been pleased with the results in terms of visibility, response rates and “Google juice.”

Unlike TweetDeck, MarketMeTweet isn’t free, but obviously it boasts features other Twitter applications don’t have.

You can get MarketMeTweet for only $15/month.

However, until 10 AM ET tomorrow (Tuesday July 13), you can get it forever, for a one-time fee of only $99.

(That includes all the upgrades and tweeks that come down the line from MarketMeTweet headquarters — and from what I gather, new features are always in the works.)

For me, MarketMeTweet has already paid for itself.

So if you want to learn more, watch the short demo video at MarketMeTweet and see what you think.
