5 Feet of Fury

From our bulging ‘One day all the old hippies will be dead’ file


    Me: So, you were arrested for illegally dumping a half-ton of garbage that you scooped up from the floor of Alice’s home, and took away to dispose of as a favor, right?

    Arlo [Guthrie, registered Republican]: Right.

    Me: And you were nailed by the fuzz because Officer Obie found your name on an envelope in that half-ton pile of garbage and phoned you. And in the funniest line of the song, you solemnly admitted to Officer Obie that you had put that envelope under that half-ton of garbage, right?

    Arlo: Right.

    Me: Why was your name in the garbage from Alice’s restaurant? Wasn’t that all Alice’s garbage?

    Arlo: In 40 years, no one ever asked me that.

    Me: Well, someone is asking now.

    Arlo: Bravo. I will hate you forever for this.

    Me: [Pause]

    Arlo: Okay, we have to attribute that line to creative license. Obie actually found a paper with Ray’s name — Ray was Alice’s husband — and Ray directed them to me. But it worked better in the song the other way.

    Me: So, no biggie? A misstatement is okay because it “worked better”?

Duh, Gene. Haven’t you noticed? Lying because “it works/sounds better” has been the Left’s m.o. for the last hundred years. You’re just noticing that?

How can you be “disillusioned” by, er, the stuff you and your smelly friends been doing on purpose this whole damn time?

Another reason pot should stay illegal, kids.