5 Feet of Fury

Your extorted tax dollars pay for ‘Human Rights’ bureaucrat’s high flying lifestyle

Brian Lilley reports:

Since he was appointed as deputy chief commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission in 2007 by his pal [Conservative] Vic Toews, Langtry has spent a small fortune flying back and forth to Ottawa, sometimes on a weekly basis. We not only pay for his flights and his ability to rack up the frequent-flyer points, we pay for his hotel and his food.

That’s right, the Canadian Human Rights Commission that is careless with your rights is also careless with your money.

Over the last few years, the CHRC has been discredited for tactics that involve posing as Nazis online to bait others into making racist statements, prosecuting only selected politically motivated complaints and attempting to censor Canada’s largest news magazine.

Langtry has billed more than $36,000 in hotel rooms for his trips to Ottawa, more than $36,000 for flights and almost $20,000 for meals. This doesn’t include his travels around the world conducting official business for the human rights commission in locales such as Trinidad and Tobago and Bangkok, Thailand.