5 Feet of Fury

Brave cops charge Muslim anti-semite — six months after he leaves the country

Shades of the G20 “surveillance”:

Phase 1: Watch bad people for months

Phase 2: ????

Phase 3: Profit!!

Cops say:

While Mr. Hossain will face criminal charges, arresting him will be more complicated. He left the country before the OPP investigation was completed and is now in South Asia, where he continues to advocate racist violence on his U.S.-based website.”

I don’t think Hossain should be arrested, regardless of what he writes on a website, here or in “South Asian.”

However, if we are going to lock up old white men for scribbling swastikas, and jailing women for years for crossing invisible, imaginary lines outside certain buildings, we should be going after young Muslim men with the same fervour, no?


And how long does an “investigation” of a website take? Does it really take months to go through every page and record instances of “hate speech”? The OPP could’ve hired me to do it and it would have taken me a day or two.

Your tax dollars at work!

Scaramouche writes:

On the one hand, the cops’ laggardly approach to the affair signalled their reluctance to deal with a trash-talking Muslim. On the other, had they failed to charge him, it would have made the longstanding-but-never-before-used law under which he was charged, state censorship and, indeed, Canadian multiculturalism, our national religion, look even more pointless and ridiculous than they are.

So rest easy, Jews. The cops have your back. The system works.


In both Britain and America, ideological prejudices are coming to undermine the rule of law. In a number of incidents, people who have committed criminal acts have been acquitted or had their cases dismissed purely because they represent a politically correct cause or belong to a “powerless” victim group.