5 Feet of Fury

Freedom rally for the ‘Son of Hamas’ in Toronto tonight

7:30 PM, Toronto Zionist Center, 788 Marlee Avenue

Details here


Tomorrow [Wednesday June 30] Mosab Yousef is scheduled to have his hearing before an immigration judge Rico J. Bartolomei starting at 8 A.M. at:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
880 Front Street, Suite 224
San Diego, California 921010

Not only will it be decided whether Mr. Yousef can stay in The United States, but whether he will be shipped back to the Middle East where he is under two death sentences.

As regular readers on my own site [The Camp Of The Saints] know, I take a hard-line on immigration. (…)

But, this is a special case: Mr. Yousef risked his life to aid in the efforts to bring about the defeat of Islamic terrorism, which is the greatest external threat to the survival of The West.  He has also bravely embraced Christianity and brotherhood with the Jews.  If there’s a better set of reasons why he should be granted asylum in The United States Of America, I haven’t heard them.