5 Feet of Fury

Ann ‘Coulter could not be reached immediately for comment’

Give it another few minutes…

University [of Ottawa] records surrounding the Coulter controversy were obtained by The Canadian Press under Ontario’s freedom-of-information law.

 (…) the released documents show that it was [Allan] Rock — not Houle — who asked that the email be sent. Rock even dictated some of the wording.

“Ann Coulter is a mean-spirited, small-minded, foul-mouthed poltroon,” Rock wrote to Houle in a March 18 email.

“She is ‘the loud mouth that bespeaks the vacant mind’.”

“She is an ill-informed and deeply offensive shill for a profoundly shallow and ignorant view of the world. She is a malignancy on the body politic.

“She is a disgrace to the broadcasting industry and a leading example of the dramatic decline in the quality of public discourse in recent times.” (…)

Rock advised Houle he should write to Coulter informing her of the different rules surrounding free speech in Canada compared with those in the United States.

“You, Francois, as Provost, should write immediately to Coulter informing her of our domestic laws. … You should urge her to respect that Canadian tradition as she enjoys the privilege of her visit.”

After seeing a copy of the final email to Coulter, Rock praised Houle: “Quel excellent message! Merci et felicitations. I am sure she has never been dressed down so elegantly in her life!”

(More HERE)