5 Feet of Fury

Not only do ‘I have a website’ but Mark Steyn does, too

It is 6:25AM.

I’ve had 1000 unique visits already today.

Have you?

Disappointing that some of you (even some of you allegedly on our side) still don’t get it.

Your visceral negative reaction to the sound of a woman asserting herself and defying “authority” says more about you than it does about me.

The Toronto cop with Badge Number 3478 may or may not be laughing with you.


My (Sunday morning) post at David Horowitz’s NewsReal blog about the riots…

I’m a bit confused about what “kids these days” want. Over the intervening decades, leftist protesters got what we were asking for in many respects: the G20 is now all about (cough) “environmentalism,” for example. Starbucks has great employee benefits and fair trade coffee, but their windows still get smashed. I’d be willing to bet the police cruisers they burned yesterday (sending plumes of toxic smoke into the air) passed all the latest emissions standards. For all I know, Toronto cops even use no-lead bullets.

UPDATE: Scaramouche says, “Blame it on [former Toronto Mayor] Barbara Hall

PLUS: via Powerline…

I’ve spent very little time in Toronto over the years. Last time I was there, it reminded me of an American city of the 1970s–dirty, with a menacing street population and a whiff of violence in the air. That was only an impression, but it may be that inept police work didn’t start with the G-20.