Must read at the Ottawa Citizen:
The Toronto 18 trials wrapped up this week, as the final two accused were found guilty of plotting to commit violence in the name of militant Islam.
Originally, many people assumed the allegations were exaggerated. These were just a bunch of angry young men fantasizing out loud, more stupid than dangerous. In the end, however, it turned out to be the real deal, a textbook example of self-radicalization and homegrown terrorism.
Now that 11 of the original 18 suspects have been convicted, you’d think there would be a sense of relief. Not really.
As the Toronto Star reported, focus groups organized by [Montreal’s] McGill University indicate some 90 per cent of Muslim youth believe the Toronto terrorism case was a government conspiracy, concocted to make Muslims look bad.
That doesn’t take a government conspiracy, asswipes.
We already hated you.
Conspiracy theories are history for stupid people.
A-rabs are violent retards.
Importing people from said countries makes us just as stupid.