5 Feet of Fury

This blog is not a public utility or your personal bulletin board

In the last 24 hours, three different men have written to register picky, pointless complaints about posts on this blog, and/or suggest topics that I “should write about.”

I’ve been blogging every day for ten years.

I get up at 6AM every day and read dozens of RSS feeds to find out what’s going on.

90% of the time, I’ve seen the stories you’re suggesting hours if not days ago.

Sometimes I’ve even blogged about them already.

I get hundreds of emails a day. And some of them are actually important, but I can’t find them easily because you keep telling how to blog.

I don’t care what you think.

Like most people who are “trying to help,” you are making my life worse.

PLEASE stop writing.

Your endless email stream of itty bitty comments and complaints and suggestions and not-very-useful “tips” are making me want to kill you.