5 Feet of Fury

Toronto Star: honor killing all part of colourful multicultural tapestry (you stupid racists)

At my new column for David Horowitz’s NewsReal blog, I take another, er, stab at Mark Steyn’s challenge to revisit the original reporting on Aqsa Parvez’s murder.


Funny he should mention “art”, because when Pamela Geller was “inspired” to create “art” to memorialize Aqsa, and I championed her efforts, we silly females were denounced as Islmaophobic, troglodyte racists by another male Toronto columnist, who was so disgusted by me in particular that he refused to sully his work by even spelling out my name in his column.

(Granted, I hear that if you intone the words “Kathy Shaidle” three times into the men’s room mirror at the National Post, a Klansman appears.

(Although if the one doing the repetitive chanting is Chris Selley, that image might be an improvement…)