5 Feet of Fury

Uh, yeah, and…?

Michael Taube writes about the candidates for Mayor of Torontostan:

Rob Ford is a different political animal. He’s a confident speaker and gregarious individual.

He has vast experience in business (…) and municipal politics (10 years as an Etobicoke councillor).

He’s also the most fiscally conservative candidate in the race, barely spending a dime of his annual $53,100 office budget.

Plus, his campaign is chock full of good ideas: Cutting government waste and excessive taxation; making the TTC an essential service; eliminating the vehicle registration and land transfer taxes; cutting municipal council in half.

So, what’s my concern?

Ford’s steady stream of outrageous comments.

He once labeled fellow mayoral candidate Giorgio Mammoliti a “Gino boy.”

He mused more women may be getting the AIDS virus by “sleeping with bisexual men.

He crudely claimed “Oriental people work like dogs … they’re slowly taking over, because there’s no excuses for them.”

Canada: where “outrageous” is the new “factually accurate observations people have been making for generations without anyone blinking an eye”!