5 Feet of Fury

I’ll never complain about foreigners not waving Canadian flags again!

Nah, don’t panic, I’m just joshin’…

That’s the Muslim immigrant in Montreal who tried to “honour kill” her daughter.

I bet she and her husband look just like people you work with.

Feel safer now?

But wait, there’s more!

The youngest son of Canada’s Khadr family is scheduled to appear in court next month on sex-related charges involving a goat girl.

Police said Abdulkareem Khadr, 21, of Toronto, was arrested 10 days ago and charged with one count each of sexual assault and sexual exploitation.


Khadr, who was born in Peshawar, Pakistan, turned himself in to police in east end Toronto on June 4 and was charged and released, Vella said.

Khadr is the son of the late Ahmed Said Khadr, a purported al Qaeda financier and associate of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Note the “Roots” shirt and Pali-rag. Nice “diverse” combo.

Just wait:

You and I will live long enough to see at least one member of the Khadr family elected to public office.