5 Feet of Fury

David R. Spencer: old and boring

David R. Spencer is “a professor of information and media studies at the University of Western Ontario,” which explains why this column about Sun News is a tedious, overwritten, smug, predictable arrangement of received liberal wisdom, punctuated by cliches, unfunny “jokes” and outright nonsense:

There has been a feeling for some time in this country that the right does not get treated very well in the mainstream media.  A closer look at actual events, however, suggests otherwise. 

But, in all fairness, Canadian conservatives do not act with the rabidity of those in the United States, where half the population responds positively when asked if they consider themselves practicing, born-again Christians. 

PS: forget the irony — is this even a sentence? There are “arguments” in “fields” that come with “prizes” now…?

Every young student in a journalism program in this country is taught one of the key arguments in the field is the prize of neutrality.