5 Feet of Fury

But there WERE a lot of Jewish communists

This woman sounds like a flake, but if pointing out the fact that many Jews have embraced communism is “anti-Semitic,” just because Hitler said it, then I guess I’m anti-Semitic.

So is David Horowitz, I guess, who documents his parents’ (and their friends’) Communist Party involvement in Radical Son.

Or Dennis Prager. When I heard him speak at a Toronto synagogue a few weeks ago, he asked his audience to face the fact that Jews had “backed the wrong horse” many a time, including their embrace of communism and socialism.

“Look at Trotsky,” he said. “Trotsky was Jewish.”

At which point, like something out of a Mel Brooks movie, a little old man in the audience shouted, “Hooray!”

“Well, fine then,” Prager deadpanned. “Now in my travels around the world, I can say that Toronto was the place where Trotsky got applause. Thank you…”