5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant: ‘Reform the Canadian Human Rights Commission’

Ezra Levant writes:

The government should not wait for the question of political censorship to work its way through the courts. It should act now to repeal Section 13 and to make other badly needed reforms to the CHRC, including bringing in a civil liberties oversight committee to monitor abuses by CHRC staff, who have admitted under oath to publishing anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-gay material themselves in an effort to entrap citizens.


The CHRC has increasingly used its censorship powers as a political weapon, picking on religious Christians and conservative activists, even as it strenuously avoided prosecuting any politically correct “haters,” such as radical Muslims.

Simply put, censorship in the age of the internet isn’t just ethically inappropriate, it’s practically impossible – in other words, a perpetual source of work and expense for empire-building bureaucrats.

It should be shut down.