5 Feet of Fury

Toronto’s love of diversity is tested by Islamists

Check out my new article at PajamasMedia:

Unlike a comparable city such as New York, which is about 9% Jewish and 3.5% Muslim, the same demographic ratio in Toronto is reversed: 6.7% Muslim to 4.2% Jewish. This is a fairly recent development and the trend seems destined to continue. According to the latest Statistics Canada report, “Toronto’s population of Arabs and West Asians could more than triple between 2006 and 2031. … People with a non-Christian religion could represent nearly 31% of the census metropolitan area’s population by 2031, up from 21% in 2006.”

The advent of this “inverse ratio” coincides with the growing influence of Toronto’s organized Islamists. After all, Toronto is where Israeli Apartheid Week got its start, at the city’s two major universities back in 2005. York University in particular has become a hotbed of anti-Israel activism — and worse. Last year, Jewish students were forced to barricade themselves in the Hillel office after being set upon by an angry pro-Palestinian mob shouting racist slurs.

Such an occurrence would have been unthinkable ten years ago. Today, it takes its place in a litany of distressing post-9/11 developments.

UPDATE — lots of good comments have come in since the story was posted. Example:

I live in Brooks, Alberta, a small city of about 16,000 where the Muslims in Toronto are flocking to for work along with immigrants from virtually every other country in the world. We need translators for 450 different languages here (yes, 450!). It is not just that the immigrants beliefs are so different from ours, but also that they do not think in the same way. An example is their attitude towards contacts: an agreement is merely a waypoint on the way to negotiating more concessions. Another example is their ability to think in the manner that we think is logically: if English is not their first language, they may use English well, but do not connect ideas the way that native English speakers do naturally.


I clearly understood that some of our newer Canadians hadn’t inculcated Canadian values when a friend of mine in property management caught an apartment full (with at least 15 residents!) throwing loaded plastic bags filled with feces from the 18th floor of Don Mills Road tower onto the street below. Turned out that they did not understand the functioning of a flush toilet. That was in the mid 1990’s.

The key to American success was always the assumption of American values by immigrants. I tell my American friends that one only needs to know one phrase of English to become a Canadian citizen: how to order at Tim Hortons. “I would like two double double to go, but make the second double a half”. (I heard that once in a Tim’s on Yonge Street. I didn’t make it up).


“How Canada’s Conservatives won the immigrant vote”