5 Feet of Fury

Glenn Beck: ‘Why Canada sucks’


GLENN: From Canada, the Canadian youth soccer league is taking heat now after  introducing a new rule that says any team that wins a game by more than five points will lose the game by default. The rule intended to foster sportsmanship. Excuse me?

PAT: Oh, my gosh. (…)

GLENN: So here is my challenge to Pat and my challenge to every man, woman and child in this country: Stop it! Take the trophy and put the trophy some place where the sun doesn’t shine like a closet. Don’t accept any more of these trophies. Stand up against these trophies! Don’t — look, Pat said to me, “Glenn, if I stand up, then my son’s going to have problems.” I said, you know what, Pat? Start your own damn league. Because you can’t be alone! We’re all — we’re doing the same thing that that — here’s the next project for 9/12. You want to take this on, 9/12ers? Competition. Sports. Competition. Principles and values. Start a 9/12 baseball league! Forget the stupid little league. If this is the game they want to play in your state — now, it’s different. Like in Texas, I mean, you know, you are lucky they are not carrying pistols down on the —

PAT: I mean, sometimes they are. (…)

PAT: Glenn Beck tells people to get out of their baseball leagues!

GLENN: Yes! I am.

PAT: (Laughing).

GLENN: And go play baseball, go play baseball with Jim Wallis. It will be great. Jesus is keeping score. You don’t have to.