I was on Bloor yesterday and the cops have left the stacked up steel barricades on a dolly parked in front of the consulate. I guess they figure they might as well…
Taxpayer funded Palestine House Community Center (whose supporters were caught on tape, on their property, calling for a new Holocaust on a Toronto street earlier this year, within earshot of the cops) are the co-sponsors of an anti-Israel demo this Saturday.
So is the Canadian Arab Federation, whose spokesman assaulted my husband a few days ago.
Please joing the counter-demos:
Friday, June 4
4:00pm – 7:00pm
Israeli Consulate
180 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
Saturday, June 5th
Meet @ 12:30 pm @ the North West corner of
Bloor & Avenue Road
Israeli Consulate, 180 Bloor Street
Please bring Israeli and Canadian Flags and ask others to join
Call for Shabbat Arrangements
416-736-7000 or email jdl@jdlcanada.ca
Click here for more information.
“This could very well be the best, and most important, video of the Freedom Flotilla farce.”