5 Feet of Fury

The difference between the Koran and the Torah

Planck’s Constant:

When we read the history of the antebellum South in the United States, no American is urged to go out and buy a slave.

When we read the history of the early western expansion of the United States, no American is urged to go out and kill an Indian.

These are read for their historical value and are never meant to suggest future action on the part of any American or that the events mentioned are moral, good and to be emulated.

When a Jew reads Deuteronomy 13:6-9 that the punishment for apostasy is stoning, it is merely a piece of historical data; it certainly is not to be applied and hasn’t been applied for millennia – in fact, more than two thousand years ago the rabbis declared that the passages regarding the death penalty for idolatry, bestiality, blasphemy, illicit sex, breaking the Sabbath, witchcraft, and certain adulterous behavior was purely for historical study, not for actual practice or execution.


The Quran plans future wars. The Torah recounts past wars.

That is the difference between the Quran and the Torah. That difference explains the violence of present day Muslims, that difference explains why it is easier for Mohammed’s camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to find a Jewish suicide bomber.