Mark Steyn writes about the fabtastic news that:
Islam will be the fastest-growing religion in the next two decades, Statistics Canada says, with its numbers expected to triple and encompass about seven per cent of the Canadian population by 2031.
And that 7% figure means what? According to this guy:
France: 8.0
Philippines: 5.0
Sweden: 5.0
Switzerland: 4.3
The Netherlands: 5.5
Trinidad & Tobago: 5.8
“At this point, they [Muslims] will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.“When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris – car burning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam, Denmark – Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).”
Muslims are already about 6% of the population of Toronto, whereas Jews are 4%. (The ratio is inverted in, say, New York). Jews have contributed much more to the city, financially and intellectually, for much longer, but hey, so what, right?
Here’s the kind of stuff we have to put up with now, as Steyn relates:
Meanwhile, at the Islamic Centre of York [that’s part of Toronto], our old friend Mohammed Elmasry [the guy who went after Steyn and Maclean’s for “Islamophobia” and says all Israeli citizens are legitimate targets for terrorism because they all serve in the army — even though they don’t] is hosting a celebrated 9/11 “truther” who thinks the US is at risk from an “Israeli-instigated false-flag nuclear attack”.
Expect a lot more of this once the “new Canada” has been forged.