5 Feet of Fury

When Steve Sailer met Art Linkletter

I was on the “Kids Say the Darndest Things” segment of his House Party talk show, where he interviewed four grade school children, back around 1969 or 1970 when I was ten or eleven.

I contrived some lines that got pretty big laughs from the studio audience, but, truthfully, I was a little too old, knowing, and show-offy. (…)

It’s a testimony to Mr. Linkletter’s famous amiability that he didn’t throttle me on nationally syndicated television.

Oh, and he has some stuff on interracial marriage. AP has a new story on it, which basically says what he predicted 10 years ago, except in more, er, carefully chosen language. As usual…

I wrote a VDARE.com column about exactly this happening in California in 2000: “Continued Immigration Retards Growth of Interracial Marriage.” It’s logically obvious that as minorities become majorities, they have fewer daily interactions with whites and thus are less likely to fall in love with them and marry them.


One of the things that is going on is that the “Asian” population is becoming less East Asian and more South Asian, where the gender gap is very different. Also, South Asians are more into arranged marriages with somebody from the Old Country than are East Asians.