5 Feet of Fury

Shorter David Frum: ‘I can’t get my facts straight — but Rush has ugly furniture’

I’m indebted to the commenter at HotAir who points out that Frum can’t even get his criticism of Rush Limbaugh right: Limbaugh calls Ronald Reagan “Ronaldus Magnus” not “Ronaldus Maximus.”

I find it tiring too. But at least get your facts straight, expert boy.

Meanwhile, lots of striking stuff in the book so far, but this wins:

Chuck Martin is the executive director of the [Cape Girardeau, Missouri] Visitors Bureau. “You’d be surprised how many people come in to buy Rush Limbaugh memorabilia and T-shirts here,” he told me. “It’s amazing how many people come to Cape just because they want to see where Rush grew up.” To accomodate them, the bureau offers a drive-it-yourself tour whose itinerary includes the hospital where Rush was born, his childhood home and elementary school, Central High, the Varsity Barber Shop [where he got his first job], the KGMO studio, and the campus of Southeast Missouri State University, where he suffered through one utterly unhappy academic year.