5 Feet of Fury

Bilingualism could divide Canada over Supreme Court

Brian Lilley reports from Ottawa:

When I wrote about this issue a few weeks ago an Ontario Liberal MP admitted to me that many in his party did not like the bill but were afraid of being painted as anti-French if they voted against it, as the Tories can now clearly see, that is what is happening to anyone opposed to this bill.  (…)

For the past few months any insult real or perceived, in the Bloc’s eyes, is further proof that the motion declaring the Quebecois a nation within a united Canada was a farce and the remedy is, you guessed it, an independent Quebec. The claim that Canada is not respecting the Quebec nation has been used so many times by the Bloc in recent months that I asked Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe whether this was a new tactic. His answer, yes.