5 Feet of Fury

Quebec fighting sharia? Don’t get your espoirs pret

My new and particularly bitchy post at NewsReal reads, in part:

Quebec got itself declared “a distinct society” a while back. That and a million other accommodations, big and small, have been agreed to by politicians in the ROC, lest Quebec go back to blowing up mailboxes, murdering the Prime Minister’s school chums, making us declare martial law and singing really bad folk songs separate from Canada. (…)

Anyway, the majority’s “tell ‘em to sod off, then” attitude is considered terribly crude/gauche by our betters. No one who openly expresses that view will get a decent job in government, academia, union leadership or the media. (Which is doubly weird because if you’re a Quebecker who thinks his province should separate — which in a real country would be referred to as “treason”  — you get the privilege of helping run the federal government you claim to hate!) (…)

So not a few of us (even those who find ourselves in the unfamiliar position of being on Quebec’s side, on principle) are squirming with pent up delight at the spectacle of the most “accommodated” population in the nation (to the tune of trillions of “transfer payments” our extorted tax dollars from the ROC since the 1960s, mind) refusing to “accommodate” women who want to wear headscarves.

Enjoy! (My choice of illustration is particulary good, if I do say so myself)