Today in the National Post, Ezra writes:
In her book The Armageddon Factor, Marci McDonald has a lot of nasty things to say about Christians in Canada. She calls them “retrograde and exclusionary,” “militant,” “radical,” practitioners of “apartheid” who have a “dark and dangerous vision.” And then she takes a run at Jews and Sikhs, too.
Which makes me wonder who I have to blow to get a book contract at Random House…
Anyhoo, he continues:
On page 39, McDonald calls Kenney a “charismatic Catholic,” a reference to a denomination that mixes Catholicism with elements of evangelical style. That’s news to Kenney. McDonald seems to have just plain made it up. (…)
McDonald talks about things that never happened, like on page 164 where she claims a Christian activist named Faytene Kryskow visited Stockwell Day’s home in B.C., or on page 119, where she claimed Terry O’Neill wrote a column without disclosing his role in a pro-life group (in fact, he did disclose it — as his letter on today’s National Post letters page attests). And on and on.