Life imitates Mordechai Richler as Toronto police add “shiksa” to their list of “hate” “crime” “victims”!
What’s a “shiksa?” you people who haven’t watched enough Woody Allen movies are asking. (And no, it doesn’t just mean “you look like the wife of an astronaut…”):
“Shiksa and Shaygetz are the Yiddish derivative of the respective feminine and masculine Hebrew words for something unclean, dirty. The appellations are customarily applied to gentiles who do things inimical to Jewish interests, such as vandalizing Jewish buildings, robbing Jewish kids of their lunch money, or becoming romantically involved with Jews :-). The root is sheketz’, which refers to house rodents and lizards.”
“We all know about the Shiksa Menace, V1.0 – the blonde with boobs and bearing who turned the heads of many a yid one or two generations removed from the shtetl, and who continues to lure Jewish men to the doom of happiness.
“Then came Shiksa Menace 2.0 in the form of the Yellow Peril – Asian women morphing themselves into good “jewish” wives while still eating dog meat.
“Now comes Shiksa Menace 3.0, possibly the most pernicious and effective of all because, well, they know Jewish men through their fathers, and have the good looks of the gentile mothers. This Lilit person is an example of that. She may think of herself as Jewish, but in terms of rabbinical law she simply is not. How many Jewish men will be lured to their communal doom by this new breed of shiksa”
But wait, there’s more:
Shiksa is the “N” word of the Jewish community. It is so often used jokingly that we can forget that it’s a vile, sexist, racist word.
And yet the Canadian Jewish Congress doesn’t want the word “skiksa” added to the cops’ list.
Gee, I wonder why.
They say it has something to do with, er, the cops’ bad grammar, but their huffing and puffing “explanations” sound pretty lame…
Now, my last name (and other things) causes some confusion among the stupid, but the CJC knows VERY well that I’m a non-Jewish female.
Why, oh why does the CJC think it’s ok for me to be called “vermin”? (Along with “racist”.)
After all, being called a “shiksa” exposes me to hatred.
And contempt.
(And maybe a mink coat…)
Ooops, where was I? Oh, yeah:
Finally: I get a “victim” designation of my very own!
And if you don’t think I’m using this, guys, you’re too stupid to really be Jewish! So get lawyer-in’!
Helpful tips I won’t be using: “How to Avoid Being Seen as a Shiksa”
Related: Shiksa like me.
Oh, man: the fun has only just begun! Thanks for something finally, cops!!
PS: I’m pretty sure just posting the video below is a hate crime on a couple of levels: