5 Feet of Fury

Oh, noze! Mike Adams posts his last Townhall column

Sad news!

My first column for Townhall was called “NAMBLA: Coming to a Campus Near You.” In that column, I argued that the diversity movement had gained such momentum – ironically, from not being subjected to competing ideas – that it would not be long before pedophilia was accepted and actively promoted on our nation’s campuses – all in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity.” That time has now arrived.


Regular readers of my column also recall an incident at another UNC campus involving a 34-year old man who was convicted of possessing child porn – including pictures of eight-year-olds being raped and sodomized. After admitting to the felony child porn convictions – right on his application, mind you – he was still admitted to UNC-Greensboro. They even hired him to work in the Office of Student Life where he worked to get a porn star hired to speak about “safe sodomy.” The day after she spoke the College Republicans were denied funding for my speech. I was deemed “too offensive” even though I wasn’t talking about sodomy.

But the story I’m breaking today takes the cake…

As Mark Shea is always saying:

Then day will come when academics, the media and the rest of our “betters” will condemn us “backward” types, for daring to having persecuted those poor, misunderstood child molesting Catholic priests, who were merely victims of our disgraceful normative-sexual anti-pediophile-ism…