Check out my new post at NewsReal, where I unearth another nugget of historical media malpractice…
For years now, I assumed the ignorant, tone deaf and often vicious reporting on religion you see in the mainstream media was the predictable result of creeping secularism. By all accounts, there are more “un-churched” individuals around than ever before, and such people tend to cluster into “educated,” “liberal” professions like journalism.
The time is long past when even a privately godless reporter was expected to be more or less Biblically literate, and maybe even know that the word “Episcopalian” is a noun, not an adjective.
Now evidence has surfaced that comically stupid journalists have been imposing their stupidity upon unsuspecting readers since at least the 1950s.
When such media malpractice plays a role in influencing the outcome of a Presidential election, I’d say that was pretty important.